
Fresh off of Zombeavers, my friends and I were naturally attracted to another terribly-good water creature horror film. Maybe that should be a category in Netflix. We settle on a film titled Beneath, where “six high school seniors…find themselves on rowboat attacked by man-eating fish and must decide who must be sacrificed as they fight their way back to shore.” Honestly, how could you go wrong? Quite simply: you load the movie, get thirty seconds in and start to question your very reality. No, the credits couldn’t possibly match the plotline. What we got instead was a very different film, where “a crew of coal miners becomes trapped after a disastrous collapse….They slowly descend into madnes and begin to turn on one another.” We paused the film to read the brief synposis and yes, this movie would do just fine. I’m interested in any descent into madness. Underground stuff is going to be just as scary – if not moreso – than underwater. My fear of underwater may be irrational but if the real world has taught me anything, being…
