The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

I was reminded of watching Ouija, followed by it’s prequel and remarking that the prequel ended up being much better than the first film. Going in with that logic, I was expecting a similar treatmeant but alas, The Beginning is not a better film than the The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake from just a couple of years previous. I see why this movie was made but don’t really see any reasoning on why this movie exists on screen. R Lee Ermey gets a lot more screen time here and I can’t complain about that, nor really the film as a whole. One thing that really stuck with me in a review I read was how this film makes Leatherface “a less sympathetic character” and it’s spot on: the previous films explored different sides of Leatherface, to a point where he was an ineffective killer and easily persuaded/scared by his own family. He didn’t choose to be the way he was: he was born into that family and it dictated all his actions; he was almost endearing. This prequel removes all that character development…
