Movie Collection part 3: The Great DVD Purge
In 2005, everything changed. I finished school: four years of university and an additional year of college. I quickly moved back to my home town and was living in my friend’s basement trying to find a job. Four long months went by with nothing. To say that times were tough is an understatement, but I had supportive parents who kept me afloat. Unfortunately it meant a complete stoppage of luxury items, which included DVDs. The collecting had come to a crashing halt, to which it has never recovered. When I did get a job, I went out looking for a movie to buy, but couldn’t pull the trigger on anything. THE AVIATOR had just come out – a movie I thoroughly enjoyed – but I couldn’t justify the cost. Bills were in the way, including car payments, rent and groceries. Digital convergence was upon us, but not many people knew what was coming. I modded my (original) Xbox and installed XBMC, which allowed me to stream video and music across the network. It didn’t take long to find a solid…