Day Shift

Vampires. Brooding creatures of the night that stalk their prey in the shadows. Their ideal habitat: sunny California? Welcome to the world of Day Shift, a tale of working class vampire hunters just trying to make ends meet by brutally murdering and plundering the corpses of another race of sentient beings. Gather up your garlic and the holiest water you can muster as you experience a world where the vampires are perhaps more twisted and evil than ever before as they deal not only in human blood but also in real estate, driving down prices in a vampire gentrification scheme worthy of a Policy Academy movie. Facing down these bloodsucking real estate tycoons are Bud (Jamie Foxx) and an entire underworld of vampire hunters and various associated bureaucrats, with a network and economy so vast it puts the secret assassin’s society of John Wick to shame. Join us as we take a bite out of Day Shift and explore the not-so-shadowy world of vampire hunting in the Golden State. DAY SHIFT (2022)directed by J.J. Perrystarring: Jamie Foxx – Dave Franco –…

Vampire Films

This episode is going to suck… your blood! Join your intrepid hosts in this retrospective of their personal favourite vampire movies. The vampire mythos has captured the hearts and minds of people for centuries for a variety of reasons, spawning countless books and movies and entire subcultures. Maybe it’s the dangerous lure of immortality and supernatural powers. Perhaps it’s the examination of what it means to be human through counter-example and the moral quandaries of a life in the shadows. Maybe there are just a lot more cape aficionados out there than we realized. Whatever the case may be, tune in to find out the vampire films that really get our blood pumping and revisit some old favorite’s and maybe discover a new favourite vampire tale.

Infinity Pool

Sometimes we all need a little vacation. A little time in the sun. A few drinks. Some good food. Chance encounters with charming strangers. Clandestine hand jobs. Accidental homicides. Drug-fuelled orgies. Human cloning. You know. The usual regimen of rest and relaxation. Welcome to Infinity Pool. Have you ever considered how spending some time getting away from it all you might be inadvertently (or not-so-inadvertently) contributing to the exploitation and appropriation of other cultures and nations? Well, forget about taking another guilt-free vacation ever again, because Infinity Pool takes a scathing look at the battle for one man’s soul while also turning an uncomfortably critical eye on the tourism industry. Brought to you by the twisted mind of Brandon Cronenberg, son of David Cronenberg, this is not a movie for the squeamish or the faint of heart. Playing in the same thematic sandbox as his father, Cronenberg II definitively carves out his own cinematic territory with his third film. Would a consequence-free world to be an opportunity to explore the boundaries of pleasure and pain and dance upon that thin line…

Prey (2022)

Tendrils of fog spread across the landscape. A lone hunter emerges from the darkness, weapon drenched in blood, eyes gleaming in the moonlight. The destiny of a thousand generations has culminated in this single moment. Only one question remains: Will you be predator, or prey? In this episode, we take a deep dive into Prey, the latest movie in the Predator film series. Once again, or maybe for the first time depending on your point of view, a member of a technologically advanced alien race that seemingly consists entirely of trophy hunting jerks comes to Earth to stalk his prey. In a much-needed departure for the series, we find ourselves going the prequel route with this particular predator wreaking havoc in Eighteenth Century North America and facing off against Naru, a young Comanche warrior. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the Predator series looking forward to how the filmmakers will weave in fan favourite lines like “If it bleeds, we can kill it,” or just starting your journey into the exciting world of murderous, half-invisible aliens, tune in to find out whether…

Bottom 5 of 2022

Every year, there is an event in the film industry so momentous that throngs of people gather from every corner of the globe, hanging on every word as though bestowed upon them by a mighty prophet bringing tidings of wisdom and insight on a scale previously unheard of. That’s right, it’s time for The Reel Film Chronicles yearly top 10 episode. Join your intrepid hosts as they reminisce and wax philosophical about their favourite movies of 2022. Better than the Oscars, the Golden Globes, and the BAFTAs combined, this countdown of films that made an impact on us from the last (calendar) year covers the gamut from low-budget indie films to intestine-rattling blockbusters. Using our patented and scientifically proven method to assess movies, we break down exactly why these motion pictures touched our hearts and our minds and places in between. So listen in to find out what all the kids are talking about, and maybe discover some new favourite movies along the way.  Chapters 0:00 – Introduction & Overview 3:38 – 5: Dual (Nathan) 6:23 – 5: Spiderhead (Brian) 8:07…

Top 10 of 2022

Every year, there is an event in the film industry so momentous that throngs of people gather from every corner of the globe, hanging on every word as though bestowed upon them by a mighty prophet bringing tidings of wisdom and insight on a scale previously unheard of. That’s right, it’s time for The Reel Film Chronicles yearly top 10 episode. Join your intrepid hosts as they reminisce and wax philosophical about their favourite movies of 2022. Better than the Oscars, the Golden Globes, and the BAFTAs combined, this countdown of films that made an impact on us from the last (calendar) year covers the gamut from low-budget indie films to intestine-rattling blockbusters. Using our patented and scientifically proven method to assess movies, we break down exactly why these motion pictures touched our hearts and our minds and places in between. So listen in to find out what all the kids are talking about, and maybe discover some new favourite movies along the way.  Chapters 00:00:00 – Introduction & Criteria00:04:04 – Honorable Mentions00:12:23 – Movie Count00:15:04 – 10 – Avatar The…

The Banshees of Inisherin

Tie up your donkey and come on down to the pub to grab a pint with the Reel Film Chronicles as we discuss the The Banshees of Inisherin. Set on the… let’s call them “sunny” shores of a remote Irish island in the early 1920s, Banshees follows the aftermath of the fallout between two longtime friends. This deteriorating friendship sets into motion a darkly comedic series of events involving beatings, destruction of property, and unnecessary amputations. Brendan Gleeson and Colin Farrell reunite with writer/director Martin McDonagh for another tragicomic outing, fulfilling the destinies foretold by the Fates after the success of In Bruges back in the mist-shrouded days of yore in the ancient past of 2008. Can the trio recapture the magic they first conjured up 14 years ago? Listen in to find out if Banshees of Inisherin was blessed with the luck of the Irish or if its demise was presaged as though by the mythical creature from whence the film takes its very name. THE BANSHEES OF INISHERIN (2022)directed by Martin McDonagh starring: Colin Farrell – Brendan Gleeson…

Crimes of the Future

Do you enjoy deconstructing hierarchies of sexual, political, and artistic power within our society? Have you ever depicted stunning imagery blurring the lines between pleasure and pain? Have you ever found yourself described as “body horror?” Do you find yourself consistently having to work on a very tight budget, often with support from Telefilm Canada? Have you ever had to have your violence toned down by some kind of ratings board? Well then, you might be a David Cronenberg film. One of Canada’s favourite sons is back with his latest and greatest, Crimes of the Future. Fully encapsulating all phases of his earlier work, Cronenberg’s newest endeavour is as much an ode to his own repertoire as it is a movie in its own right. Set in a dystopic future where humanity is forced to face – or deny – the next stage in our evolution, Crimes of the Future dares to ask questions about how future generations will adapt to an environment increasingly darkened by the shadow of the byproducts of our industrialized society. It also asks questions about the…


There are few things as scary as the certainty that so often accompanies our most deeply held beliefs. Well, that and spiders. But mostly humanity’s unfailing confidence in our own most fallacious viewpoints. What does this have to do with Jordan Peele’s latest feature-length film, Nope, you may ask? Well, you devilishly handsome / dazzling beautiful, incredibly perceptive, mysterious, definitely-not-imaginary stranger I didn’t just invent for rhetorical purposes, I’m glad you asked. Like his previous two movies, Peele’s latest offering is a horror movie that explores a plethora of current social issues while at the same time scaring the pants and/or skirts off of audiences. Tackling everything from the more exploitative aspects of the entertainment industry to the struggle against the erasure of black history, Nope offers intelligent social commentary along with its fair share of thrills, spills, and kills, drawing on a broad array of influences, from Akira to Jurassic Park. Join your intrepid hosts as we explore Jordan Peele’s latest entry into the horror pantheon and discover whether he manages to entertain and inspire or whether you should indeed…

Wonder Woman 1984

It’s been just over two years now since we launched our podcast, and to celebrate, I figured I would create a little work for myself and “remaster” the first episode: Wonder Woman 1984. After a half dozen or so episodes, I was quick to find some better, more efficient editing software – I was initially using Audacity. After a few months of a trail version of Hindenburg, and testing out some other pieces like Reaper, I settled in on investing in Hindenburg and haven’t looked back since. Regardless of software, I’ve learned a lot about editing, and wanted to go back to the raw audio to apply these techniques, as well as run the audio through the quality filters that we use now. It’s a net positive – to me at least – and I hope you enjoy revisiting (or experiencing for the first time) our very first episode! WONDER WOMAN 1984 (2020)directed by Patty Jenkinsstarring: Gal Gadot – Chris Pine – Kristen Wiig – Pedro Pascaladventure – action – fantasy151 min
